I have got ahead before the book launch on September 1 by listening to David Icke’s new book “the Reveal”.
I have been contemplating his message. I come from 30 years since a realisation which allowed me to easily slip into witness consciousness so I easily recognise his “you are Consciousness having a human experience”.
It seems to me that his realisations are non-dualistic when he talks about the nature of Consciousness (that’s all there is), but dualistic (in the sense of Good vs Evil).
To my mind his brilliance is in his ability to explain what I call the Perennial Philisophy in terms that are understandable to modern folk for whom ancient texts are incomprehensible.
He says what the human mind can pick up, in terms of the visible spectrum is a tiny, tiny fraction of what there is.
Consciousness does not come from the brain as we are taught but is a translator in the same sense that reality can be seen as the data on a router; this is then decoded to become what we see on our computer screens.
I found an interesting review on Amazon of his book which attempts to explain his ideas vis-a-vis Christianity, so I will share it here:
Recently finished listening to the audio book, and it will likely take several passes through to really get the gist of what Icke is saying and letting the implications begin to sink in for me on a personal level.
I like to think of Icke as describing the intricacies of Satan's conspiracy against the human race, without the 'Christian' overtones, but whether he realizes it or not, that is exactly what he is exposing and describing - what happened to human reality and the non-human force that is behind it.
Without getting into too much detail, essentially what David is explaining is what this 'Fall of Man' was, who instigated it, what this reality is, what controls it, and what its purpose is.
'The Fall' wherein mankind fell from Eden (prime human reality) into a fallen state of death, was more or less describing the hack of human perception by the Fallen Angels who rebelled against God. When the Devil fell, and mankind yielded to the temptation of the Devil (symbolic of human awareness becoming entrapped in this simulation) all this creation essentially became cursed - human awareness had been ensnared in a monumental conspiracy that is quite literally all-encompassing in this reality - the conspiracy to essentially to 'separate' mankind from the divine in thought and consciousness indefinitely by entrapping it in a reality that 'mimicked' prime human reality - the Fallen Angels created a bad copy of human reality and 'tuned' human perception into it. This reality is essentially overlaying the human reality that existed prior to the fall.
The trap doesn't end at bodily death either, this is where mainstream Christianity fails. It does not describe the intricate perception manipulation system that exists after the body 'dies' that was designed by this 'force' that set up the simulation to continually recycle entrapped awareness back into the simulation.
Why? A conscious disconnection from the infinite (God) essentially reduced Satan to needing outside energy sources to 'feed' his revolt from God, and his way of gaining energetic sustenance to empower his revolt was to entrap 'divine spark' consciousness in a fake simulated reality that was specifically designed to generate maximum low-vibrational energy or 'loosh' that these entities are feeding off of. Everything from the body/brain and human 'mind' (which is being run by a form of AI) was all calculated to achieve this end. That is why this world has so much strife and turmoil - it was designed to be that way.
The end-goal is essentially the assimilation of human awareness into the same state of awareness as the angels who revolted against God - they have given humanity their mind. This is their way of 'getting back' at him. This is why their crime demands eternal repercussions.
All of God's spiritual realm was populated with spiritual beings who reflected Him as life, until rebellion took place in the land of the spirit and life.
In summary: it appears a sort of conscious, self-aware “virus” is attempting to assimilate humanity or human awareness into its domain, like the Borg in Star Trek. The fallen angels are not-God. And their creation, their ‘simulation’ reflects their state of consciousness and their attributes - they are attempting to assimilate human consciousness and shut out God’s spiritual presence and nature within human consciousness.
First they hijack perception by making an energetic copy of the original reality and manipulate genetics (receiver-transmission processes) of the target population to tune them into a fake reality. From this point they work to distort the copy to a stage where it reflects their own frequency and preferred 'atmosphere' by the systematic generation of death, destruction, fear. All of these energetic sources and many more transform what was originally copied into a reality that suits the archon virus in its quest for total control. The endgame in these scenarios is to fuse the population with technology controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is just a fancy cover-name for 'Them' - the virus.
We are seeing the modus-operandi for how the Demiurge-Archon (fallen angel) self-aware virus takes over societies and realities.
Perhaps this provides some more clarity on who Jesus Christ was, and what he came here to confront.
Here is a video David recorded with his son, Gareth.
Ultimate Mind Control - The Hive Mind - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Watch HERE
I’m sure there will be more as I progress through the book (meaning that my presence here might be slightly less than usual.
Thank you for the neat, pertinent explainer, it pretty well covers it all..
For deeper coverage and no doubt has been used as a resource by Mr Icke a read of :
Asher attempts to show how the ancient Hebrew texts (hebrew not "jewish") describe using the vocabulary of the era how this "reality" exists..
Mr Asher is also of the belief that as the framework holding this "copy/matrix/prison" reality falls apart that a second and conceivably inescapable copy is being created, ai, internet, 5g, emf and most impotantly the "self assembling" crap in the jibby jabbies all have a huge bearing on the success or failure of the "second copy" aka "simalcrum", heres an interesting discussion on this:
The failures and cracks of the existing "copy/matrix" are often noted as gender reasignment at birth, time dilations, nde, past life regressions, de ja vu etc
With this in mind and understanding the intended transition from "olam ha ze" to "olam ha ba", aka "the world to come" which is also "the great work of ages" We then begin to understand the relationship of the kabalah plan in relation to the "satanic" plan..
The intention is to rid this world of "Gentile" Souls, to send Us to another place thus leaving dominion of this admittedly flawed, but none the less quite wonderful world to a small soul group (comparatively) known a "jews", who came here around 3500 years ago,
To understand this One needs to truly grasp that the "jew" is a completely seperate sub soul group that comes from a lower dimension, this is not easy for many, but is essential for One`s survival at arguably a Soul level..
Really, really tough times ahead and the testing will no doubt be arduous
The Root Cause of the Separation Delusion is the hypnosis that Linear Sequential Time, necessary to compute and frame the movie of Life at 5 frames per microsecond, is some how reality. When it can’t be, per science, mathematics and critical thinking.
So, we have basically three segments of society interacting here now., Trying to stick their fingers into the mōbius wheel of linear sequential time to stop it while they are at the top with all the Things. “I want all the things now. And with out 🌽sequences too!”. The psycoPaths and socioPaths. When they die, the lights will all go out. Except Hawking died, all the lights stayed on. Even the lights in your dreams. Turns out the earth, the sun nor Atheists are centers of our Universe. But then Doh, how could there ever be 8+ billion centers?
In the middle are most of us, Apocaloptimists. ‘Cake and eat it too~ers’. We know we can’t keep any Thangs, but we still chase after all the shiny Orbs, squirrels, and endless rabbit holes regardless of Idolatry/Adultery 🌽sequences because well, it’s never going to all end really, is it? I mean linear time is real, look at all the Things, the Things are real aren’t they? If we can’t have them, Tears for Fears. No Things last fo evo.
Then there is a group of unVeiled Apocalypsed. Who glimpsed via Grace absolute realty beyond the Veil of linear time hypnosis. To them, Infinity Redeemed Time means no Fear/Tears because Infinity means never having to say you are bored. Pain and suffering is just a temporary cross to bear. A means to a Heisenberg Uncertainty Apocalypse of ending the hypnosis of Linear Time being real. Beyond Positive-Negative (pain and suffering)-Neutral. The wave energy state of the double slot experiment beyond Past-Present-Future. Beyond Gravity-Relativity-Linear Time. No duality Observer-Observed. Immersed-Merged into ChristMass infinite intelligent wave energy.
With out free will, True love can’t exist. Only puppets. With out testing free will, it is lame. Death can only occur in linear sequential time with an Alpha beginning. And an Omega ending. But if linear time was real, then it would have come and gone. You would not be reading this post. And IF you think all you need to do is read some words and have faith in those words to escape the linear time hypnosis, go walk on water. The bondage of gravity/relativity/linear time is strong. But of course our Creator is Always stronger. Being the Mōbius Aloha & Omega.
“Hell is the delusion that somehow you and God are separate from one another.”~ St. Mother Teresa