Blazing Press: Medical / vaccine martial law is coming with power outages and food shortages for all!
IMPORTANT: Sheriff Insider Exposed All This About the Next Pandemic & Got Fired
▪️FEMA and Homeland Security doing training exercises, Medical Martial Law for the next Pandemic
▪️All comms. will be cut off, public will need to rely on Emergency communications (Sat phones, ham radio will be useful)
▪️Global Truth Commission decides what information gets put out
▪️Law enforcement will use Starlink for comms, NOT the public (Elon Musk is not your friend)
▪️FEMA Rounding up people who refuse vaccines
▪️Checkpoints set up throughout the country
This is talked about here
INTEL ALERT - Medical / vaccine martial law is coming with power outages and food shortages for all!
Watch HERE
Steve Quayle confirms information from Sheriff's warning
I totally hear this about the Martial Law Card being played.....AND, my understanding of FEMA, from LTC Steven Murray on Rumble is, that FEMA is WAY TOO Unorganized to actually round people up. ( I don't have the exact link. Their First Job is "Continuation of Government". When coming to Help people in Emergency Disaster, they are Useless. Whether there are FEMA Camps/Concentration Camps are Ready to Go, or not, FEMA themselves aren't staffed well enough and ready to round up people by themselves. Whether they use Illegals to help with this or not would be possible. Martial Law won't work if we DO NOT COMPLY. I suspect/hope most of the Population will Not Comply to Martial Law. I recommend LTC Steven Murray, and his Roundtable, which sometimes includes Matt Bracken, above anyone else on preparing for what's to come. -
All I can say is “They can try😎” they can try to vaxx me and quarantine me but it’ll be my dead body they get. And I can promise I’ll be taking a lot of those mth’fks with me. Did I mention I’m a huge supporter of the 2nd amendment?