And to think I ever thought after meeting Edmund Hillary and Dave Hahn I was enthralled with maybe even moving there. Not any more, not even for a vacation. Kiwis need to revolt. Dump the Commonwealth. Ditch the ANZAC. BAN ALL GLOBAL MISLEADERS FROM EVER SETTING FOOT BACK IN THE NATION. THAT MEANS YOU Jacinda!

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if memory serves it was stalin who first noted the value of fluoridating water in respect of reducing the number of guards required to manage gulags...

The information as covered by the article here illustrates a sublime example of the "mask slipping" whereas they still try to maintain ambivolence and suggest that the "science is as yet un-decided" in respect of the "vaccines"... (despite Us knowing they are deadly).

Here however We have a point blank, gun in yer face, bare faced LIE.

Despite these findings NZ and in my knowledge UK will still push for this poison to be fed to You and Your Kids.... My own "dentist" stares at me glassily as she fails to compute (every time) when she routinely enquires that i am using "a fluoride toothpaste" and receives the answer "never"...

Any that have experienced the mindset of the "health practitioners" know the kind of mindnumbing pressure they are given during "tuition" a practice and method that would be immediately outlawed if ever viewed in its correct context..

The concept that a minority should have authority over the many is described in varying ways, socialsm, communism and a whole raft of new variables that attempt to sugar coat something that is literally "alien" to healthy human culture..

And therein lies the rub, those pulling the strings, working the cogs, firing the furnaces, put simply they are not like You and me..

The assumption that just because it looks like a human therefore it is a human will not serve You well in this current time, But if You listen carefully to the under current You will hear the first vague whispers that a "certain group" are set to reveal themselves..

The timing will be crucial, "humanity" will have to be up to its big kahuna burgers in liquid diahorrea and flailing wildly before such an audacious move can be made..

Are You equipped to deal with this, emotionally, mentally, physically even?

If You made it this far then the answer is, Absolutely

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Here’s a thought; don’t add stuff to the water, but let individuals choose to do what they want after their own research.

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