Blazing Press -
I am not sure how Jones walks this back. It seems right after saying this, Elon gave him back his Twitter account and the Trumps offered him a "press sec" position in the new Trump Admin. His tune changed immediately to praise of these two men after that happened. Makes you wonder. He said later that a Trump win is tied to his own and the infowars destiny.
In this clip, Alex Jones is speculating that Donald Trump and Elon Musk are the two most likely candidates to be the Antichrist/False prophet of revelation.
worth 8 minutes of your life
gotta love those sharp vids that really stick the evidence right in your face, so far up your snoz that youd think youd hadda pnr test, assuming you hadnt realised that prodding the pineal with a pointy stick has been around since tut ank ahmen`s days and aint big, nor clever, but the vid is so here you go..
I believe Alex Jones is an egotistical money grabbing megalomanic with delusions of grandeur. Other than that he's probably a nice guy; not!!! Remember what he said about Bill Cooper after he'd appeared on Alex's show.